Galaxsim unlock pro apk
Galaxsim unlock pro apk

I shall not be held responsible in any way if anything goes wrong using this app. * Although I made my best for this app to be safe and it’s been successfully used by more than 7000 users already, remember that there are some risks inherent to unlocking devices. The backup/restore feature is free and will stay free. * Free download and in-app billing to unlock is used so that you only pay if your device can really be unlocked. * If other carriers’ sim cards are still refused after a successfull unlock, your phone might be “hardlocked” by your carrier and require a full unbranded rom flash (only seen on Telcel and Claro so far). * be sure your rom is rooted (tutorial links included for major devices) * compute md5 files properly (no log hack) * backup efs before any modification (should guarantee a safe use)

galaxsim unlock pro apk

* give information about previous (stock) simlock status * give detailed information about current locks status (locked, unlocked or “partially locked”) * alert if your imei has been lost due to any error in nv_data caused by a third party app. * alert if you’re using other dangerous methods * work if you installed a previous ril (aka mike’s patch). * work if you previously unlocked your device with “voodoo unlock” or “galaxy s unlock” * support other Galaxy family devices (S, S2, Tab, Note and their variants) * work on any rooted rom (samsung, aosp, aokp, cm9, cm10…)

galaxsim unlock pro apk

Give you detailed information about your current and previous nv/lock state.

galaxsim unlock pro apk

Don’t leave bad feedback, I can’t do much without one of these phones in my hands ! * * Please note that due to different hardware, US Qualcomm based GS3 (SGH-T999, SCH-I535, SCH-R530, SPH-L710, SGH-I747…) are currently not supported. GalaxSim Unlock is currently the only app that can unlock recent GS2 and GS3 firmware without relocking upon reboot (even with recent ICS or JB roms). As simple as one button click, and you can change your carrier sim card ! Easily sim unlock your Samsung Galaxy family smartphone/tablet (S, S2, S3, Tab, Tab2, Note, Note2 and variants) so you can use any other network operator.

Galaxsim unlock pro apk